Rumahnya Aini

Home is where the heart is ❤️


…beberapa malam terakhir, Baim sedang disibukkan oleh tugas risetnya, yang mana menuntut dia untuk “lembur” di depan layar laptop sepulangnya dari lab. Lokasi “lembur” ini biasanya berlangsung di meja makan… Tapi sejak kipas angin tercinta kami jebol, jadilah Baim ber-lembur-ria di ruang tamu (yang ada ceiling-fan-nya). Lumayan adem-lah di situ.
Gue, sebagai istri yang merasa kehilangan “guling”-nya (baca = Baim) karena “guling”-nya baru bobo di atas jam 2 malam (sementara jam.. Read More

The Namesake

“Every husband loves a wife that much, Ashima…
But they can not afford to build a Taj Mahal.”
(Ashoke to Ashima (his wife) during their family trip to Agra when she exclaims how much Shah Jahan loved Mumtaz to build Taj Mahal)

Sedang Memikirkan Banyak Hal…

Udah seminggu nggak nulis, yang keluar malah… curhat. Hehe, maap yah para pembaca sekalian, jadi disuguhi postingan gw yg gak jelas ini 😛
Hmmm, akhir-akhir ini lagi banyak hal & pikiran yg swirling didlm kepala gue… tapi

Serendipity (2001)

Diantara film-film drama komedi-romantis yang pernah gue tonton, cuma sedikiiit aja yang jadi favorit gue… Cuma 5 film-lah*, paling-paling. Serendipity (2001) adalah salah satunya. Yeah,


“One generation plants the tree, another gets the shade”.
(Chinese proverb)

The Sailing Ship

“The ship is safest when it is in port, but that’s not what ships were built for.”
(Paulo Coelho)

Chungking Express : quote

di imdb nemu quote ini; dari film Chungking Express (Wong Kar Wai, 1994) :

“If memories could be canned, would they also have expiry dates? If so, I hope they last for centuries.”

Doubting God’s Existance

Another good story from Mr.Coelho…  Enjoy it

A man went to trim his hair and beard. As always happens, he and the barber chatted about this and that, until – commenting on a newspaper article about street kids – the barber stated:
“As you can see, this tragedy shows that God doesn’t exist.
“How?” asked the costumer to his barber

Mimpi Arai

“Bermimpilah, karena Tuhan akan memeluk mimpi-mimpi itu.”
(Arai, buku : Sang Pemimpi)