Rumahnya Aini

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Expecting The Expected-One…

Sebagai konfirmasi atas berita yang selama ini beredar, dengan ini kami menyatakan bahwa :
Yes, we’re expecting 😉
Pertanyaan yang pertama kali tercetus pasti “Udah berapa bulan ??”. Well… Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, mari kita flashback sebentar ke suatu Rabu di bulan… Agustus.
Tengah Agustus kala itu, ada satu hal yang agak mengusik pikiran : kok udah nyaris dua minggu ini ‘telat’ ? Harusnya sih nggak terusik ya, secara sejak jaman kuliah sampai.. Read More

The King & His Ancestor’s Bones

…There was once a king of Spain who was very proud of his ancestor, and who was known for his cruelty towards those weaker than himself.
One day, the king was travelling with his entourage through a field in Aragon, where, the years before, his ancestor had died in a battle. There, he met a holy man rummaging around a huge pile of bone.